Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Tales from the console.

After such a prolonged reprieve from posting there are only two options… explain why or pretend that no-one noticed.

I am going to give a quick rundown on three most recent gaming endeavors I have err… endeavored on.

Splinter Cell: Double Agent
This is very much a sheep of a game, it doesn’t stand out and it doesn’t improve the series in any noteworthy manner. Instead it merely offers more or less (mostly less) of the same. What’s worse is that most of the changes made in this rendition of the franchise are handled with the deft precision of a blind man playing darts. Removing the ambient noise meter and seemingly with it all semblance of ambient noise and removing the HUD are both prime examples of changes that didn’t reinforce the enjoyment derived from the game. I would call Double Agent a big step backwards for the series.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance
So this is again a game that didn’t really strive to push itself forward as original or groundbreaking, instead it follows the well tread path set by its predecessors. Unlike SC:DA, however, Marvel Ultimate Alliance has offered up some extremely enjoyable gameplay. Sure it might be the equivalent of an all grown up and “prettied up” Golden Axe but at least it manages to entertain consistently throughout. This is the gaming equivalent of an action movie, not really a lot to think about but enjoyable all the same.

And finally…

Gears of War
This game is single handedly responsible for devouring my time like a hippo devours plastic spheres. The story is nothing remarkable and even has some annoying moments that feel tacked on or forced in order to leave room for a sequel – and yet that seems completely irrelevant in light of the rest of the game. Gears of War combines the high energy and thrilling excitement that classic “run-n-gun” FPS games offer with the strategic elements that the slower, more realistic games have. Apparently the secret ingredient to making this work was divined by Epic, no doubt only through the use of arcane majiks, perhaps a Ouija board was involved. Regardless of what diabolical powers were used to achieve this unholy union the result is wholly amazing and very “next-gen”.

Monday, November 06, 2006

WoW: The Burning Crusade movies.

Nothing cynical, scathing, or judgmental here, no, this is just some yummy movie goodness straight from the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, The Burning Crusade.

The Portal and a first look at the outlands.

Gryphon bombing run.

Fel Reaver.

Draeni animations/dance.

Zangamar zone, scenic.

Hellfire Furnace instance: A scenic tour.

(Right click and save as or just click to stream.)

Special thanks to Kairee and Elionbel for making these images possible!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

With love.

Dear Sony,

I understand and support you attempting to blow up consumers via death dealing batteries. And I understand that you want to finally get a chance to redeem the Beta max (and as such desire to push Blu-Ray down my throat). I also could care less for the most part that you have turned you back on Europe, going so far as to demolish an import company beneath your mighty corporate fists.

The loss of so much of your exclusive content is forgivable. I can see past your fickle ever changing design specs. I can forgive the misleading statements about teraflops, the pre-rendered videos which are essentially guaranteed to be impossible to live up to and even the stupid name given to the “new” controllers. I will ignore the fact that you stand upon a soapbox proclaiming that 1080p is the only way to play games, making such tacit implications as to the mediocrity of my “lowly” 720p projector.

All of those things I can move past but I absolutely will not accept your obscene price; I cannot forgive the opportunity cost. You have simply asked too much. And I am sure I could have spent as much on a 360 if I chose to get a number of the optional additions, but that choice was mine. More importantly that choice was one I could spread out over time. I suppose it is largely irrelevant however, you didn’t intend for me, or really anyone else to buy one anytime soon. Instead it will be the 360, the console formerly known as the Revolution or nothing – and we all know that nothing is better than nothing underneath the Christmas tree!

It’s sad really, I think back to all the good times we had, the Final Fantasy games, the Tekken series. Where did the Sony I used to know and love go, the Sony that redefined video games as something adults could enjoy, the Sony that provided the highest quality system at a competitive price? I don’t care about the format wars, or “true high-def” I just want to enjoy entertaining games. If you ever think you can be that Sony again, give me a call. I miss you.


P.S. I still haven’t forgiven you for the general lack of worthwhile games on my PSP.
P.P.S Oh and UMD movies, I haven’t forgiven you for those either.